While the number of smokers is at a historical low, data demonstrates that smoking still affects public health. Smoking increases the risk of heart and lung disease, affects bone health, and increases the risk of birth defects. A growing body of research demonstrates that smoking also affects neurological health, specifically cognitive decline.
A longitudinal study published this fall in the journal Nature Communications tracked data from 32,000 adults between ages 50 and 104 for 15 years to identify lifestyle factors linked to cognitive decline. The surveys, conducted in 14 European countries, asked about a broad range of lifestyle factors including smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and social contact. The surveys also measured episodic memory and verbal fluency, two domains affected by dementia.
Researchers found that most participants showed some signs of cognitive decline over the course of the study, but current smokers demonstrated the largest and most significant levels. The only exception were current smokers who had other healthy habits including avoiding or limiting alcohol, moderate to vigorous physical activity, and regular social contact; those participants showed less cognitive decline, similar to that of nonsmokers.
Editor's note: I have spent many decades of my 56 year career as a Psychiatric Social Worker helping people quit smoking. The interesting finding is that a person who is a long time smoker makes, on average, 5 quit attempts before they finally quit for good. So, I encourage people by telling them "Don't quit trying to quit."
Addiction to smoking is one of toughest addictions to overcome.
80% of people for whom alcohol is a significant problem also smoke. The outcome research shows that quitting both smoking and alcohol at the same time gets better outcomes than quitting these chemicals one at a time.