Wednesday, March 8, 2023

EQ begins with understanding what makes you tick.

What can we change that will help our children fare better in life? What factors are at play, for example, when people of high IQ flounder and those of modest IQ do surprisingly well? I would argue that the difference quite often lies in the abilities called here emotional intelligence, which include self-control, zeal and persistence, and the ability to motivate oneself. And these skills, as we shall see, can be taught to children, giving them a better chance to use whatever intellectual potential the genetic lottery may have given them.

Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence (p. xxi). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. 

We have come to understand in the last 30 years that EQ, Emotional Intelligence, is more important than IQ, Intellectual Quotient, for life success.

What is EQ? EQ can be thought of as skills in four categories: Self awareness, Self management, Social awareness, and Relationship management.

Over the coming weeks, these components of EQ will be described here on Markham’s Behavioral Health with suggestions about how to practice and further develop these skills.

Does EQ matter? The research increasingly shows not only that it matters but that it matters a lot to the quality of one’s life and one’s relationships and functioning with others.

Can EQ be measured? Yes, we have indicators that allow us to measure the skill level that individuals possess so they can recognize and acknowledge a baseline from which they can practice the further development of the skills involved to become more competent.

Are there practices that will enhance EQ skills? Absolutely, and they are multiple depending on the person’s developmental stage in their life cycle.

Today it is suggested that you rate on a scale of low, medium, high the degree to which you are articulate what makes you tick? What makes you think what you think, feel what you feel, do what you do?

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